This is how Geetha looks like nowadays. She has been teaching Odissi dance all these years but recently she started performing again.

In July this year, we went to Coimbatore, India, to pay our respects at the shrine of our spiritual guru Swami Shantanand Saraswathi. He passed on last year in July. It is very peaceful at the shrine. The shiny black stone in the centre atop the white square marble block symbolises the resting place of our Swamiji who was interred right there in the ground last year. A bluish greenish grey egg-like stone on top of the black stone is the Shantalingam. This consecrated stone marks Swamiji's presence and essence. It is here that daily worship is performed, morning, noon, and night.

Giri and Sangametra always find occasion to pose for a photograph. Right now, they both enjoy painting and drawing. They have started going for Tamil classes. Geetha wants to learn Mandarin. We intend to get the kids and ourselves to learn as many languages as possible.

In Coimbatore, we visited with some close friends who live in the vicinity of the shrine. The shrine there is called Shivanjali. It is a small community in which all of our Temple of Fine Arts projects are located. In the background, dressed in orange robes are Swami Tyageshananda and Girija Ma. Their daughter Swarnalatha is with us as well.
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