Hoong and Suzan.

Mensch and Khatijah, and their brood of beautiful children - Yasmin, Hussein, Khamis and Hamzah.

Check out how women power is the power in a family - watch how this can grow in number... Here Rosanna, Jeannie, Mei Fong, Geetha, and Victoria.

On the swing are mum and amma, behind them are Marissa, Mei Fong and Suzan, in front, on the floor, Rosanna, Khatijah and Geetha, and on the sides, Jeannie and Victoria.

Here are the men: on the swing, father and Geetha's eldest brother, Mohan; behind the swing, Mahen, Hoong, Ket and Rajan; side of swing, Keong; on the left, Hari, and then, on the floor, Seen Nung, Ghooi Hoe, Mensch, and then, Devan.
1 comment:
hi ket!
i finally had time to check out our blog site after all the celebrations & holidays. what a lovely gathering! miss you all so much.
especially during the festivals. we still miss dad a lot. but i guess as they say "time heals". we just had prayers last sun. for my dad's "100 days". i saw mum cry in silence & i felt very sad. sorry to put a damper on things but we're ok :) it just comes once in a while.
hope you've seen my bangkok trip pics already :)
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