Tuesday, August 14, 2007

at the senado square.
behind me is the st.dominic church, i think ;p
as you walk along up the street
you'll reach the st. paul's ruins.
visited the famous casinos. it's like a mini las vegas-
not that i've been there before but i've seen it in
the movies & tv programmes enough to know it ;p

i actually won hk$240 on the jackpot machine (i choosed
one with pigs in it!) & the "big/small" betting!

that's the people doing the "skywalking" outside.
i was only pretending to be them :)
the view from the 58th floor of the macau tower.

we visited the 61st floor first. that's where people do their bungee jumping & "skywalking" ie walking along the outside platform but having a safety harness attached.

this floor is cooler & more peaceful as there is less activities going on.
we didn't realise it but we walked, what seemed like,
a whole year's worth of walking
to the macau tower (behind me).
but once there
we found out it was worth the while.

Lai Yin in Macau 2.8.07

FINALLY, I'M STANDING on the steps of the
most famous landmark in macau!

the weather was really hot. we managed
to buy some portuguese tarts & somehow,
even though we can get them in malaysia,
the ones we ate were much nicer...
maybe the backdrop has something to do
with the taste.