Sunday, June 22, 2008

"eat first, then got energy to sing mah!"
aha! this is what we actually came for...the wonderful buffet! eat all you can. they even have fresh oysters!
time for the "fantastic four" to sing. was it a hooberstank or avril lavigne song?
donny & marie osmond? hahaha!
wai hon says "ok enough of you guys hogging the turn to sing ok"
peng soon & his back up band!
the "terrible threesome" sings a fast number. romantic ;p
so glad that mum enjoyed the karaoke. we should do it again!
peng soon sings mum a b'day song. wai yeong & wai hon too.
peng soon's fans give full support.
i give mum a b'day hug!
peng soon took this "all in the family" shot.
singing a b'day song for her. for a quick sec. there were tears in her eyes. i think it's because she misses my dad. afterall, it's the 1st time he isn't here with us :(
seng chai, mum(cutting her cake), wai hon & ah chue.

we go karaoke for mum's birthday!

wai teng, pik yue & pik kay sing a "triad"?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wo Yao Chang Ge

Sangametra is all excited about learning Chinese. In just one easy lesson from her father, she is singing her head off. Waa... so fierce one ah!